Books and Media
When The F Will He Text
When the F Will He Text is a dating book written by Sara ONeil and Jacqueline Kravette that is two decades in the making. It’s our daily conversation with countless females now put forth in words. It will guide you whether you’re in a relationship, just broken up, or went on a few hot dates with a guy you think is your soulmate. If you don’t know where you stand...this book will guide you back. If he’s gone MIA…these pages will help you. If you wonder what he’s thinking, does he care, and if he could be the one…we’ve got you! When the F Will He Text And How to Know if He’s Worth the Wait will answer all those pesky questions rattling around in your head. You don’t need a psychic to know if he will call, text, or not when you have this book by your side.
Hi, I’m Sara.
Welcome to my site!
I’ve worked as a Casting Director since 2004 on unscripted shows, movies, and other scripted content. I’ve specialized primarily in reality development casting. I am also a writer. You can find information on all my writing and media updates here.
New Book 2024
New Book 2024
The book is for the people pleasers, the lovers, and the givers—the empaths, rescuers, peacekeepers, and pulse checkers—the kind, sweet, and thoughtful ones who put others’ needs before their own. It’s for the shapeshifters, chameleons, worriers, and control freaks who have spent their lives keeping everyone and everything together. It’s your turn now.